Resident Evil 2 Classic: Leon B Scenario
And now we're playing through the Leon B Scenario, something that neither me or my co-host is as familiar with but my god we're going to figure it out! And hey, we're playing with mods! So now we can experience the game in incredible HD, and with some new mechanics thrown in! Mods are as follows with links: 1. Unofficial SourceNext 1.1.0 conversion patch (you want to use the archived version so you have access to the exe file): https://www.nexusmods.com/residentevi... 2. Resident Evil 2 HD mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/resident-e... 3. Resident Evil 2 - Seamless HD Project v2.0: https://www.moddb.com/mods/resident-e...