Who is under the Amazon River? The Mystery of the River.

Who is under the Amazon River? The Mystery of the River.

Amazon. Even schoolchildren know it as the largest river in the world. But it's not just a river. The Amazon Basin is almost the size of Australia, an entire continent. In high water, the river flows over such distances that not a single bridge has yet been built across it. Every 24 hours, the Amazon brings about 19 cubic kilometers of water into the ocean. This volume would be enough to cover the needs of New York for 12 years ahead. This amazing river even has a mysterious gloomy counterpart. A gigantic underground current that didn't reveal itself in any way up till now. The sheer scale of this place makes it seem like a whole separate world. The Amazon jungle is literally called the world's gene pool. Over a third of all biological species known to science lives here. And new ones are regularly discovered. In prehistoric times, terrible monsters lived here, and scientists still find their remains. Traces of ancient cultures are also found in this place; it's not clear where they came from and it's even more unclear where they went. What's under the Amazon river? #amazon #reyouniverse #earth