Why Do Narcissists Not Answer Questions?

Why Do Narcissists Not Answer Questions?

Ever wondered why your narcissistic spouse won't answer questions? If you're dealing with a narcissist, there's one simple reason why he or she won't answer questions: It makes him or her look bad. Narcissists don't want others to see their faults and imperfections, so they'll do whatever they can to deflect attention away from themselves. Trying to get a narcissist to own up to something is like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands - it's virtually impossible. If you ask a narcissist why he or she did something, you'll most likely get the runaround. This person will avoid answering the question, change the subject and maybe even throw in some gaslighting for good measure. Narcissists can be especially evasive when it comes to discussing the past. They might tell you that it's in the past and refuse to discuss it further. But this is just a way of dodging the issue, because they know that if they talk about what happened in the past, they might have to admit wrongdoing - and they'll do anything they can to avoid that outcome. Discover. Understand. Overcome. It's how smart people change their lives! Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/AuthorAn... **NEW!! Become a member of my channel!    / @angieatkinson   **Never miss a live session! Just text "AngieLive" (no spaces) to 33222 and I'll send you a text each time I get ready to go live! Schedule a coaching appointment with me at https://queenbeeing.com/coaching or http://narcissisticabuserecovery.online Start your healing at https://queenbeeing.com. Take your life to the next level at https://shine.buzz Get my books at http://booksangiewrote.com, pick up your free 7-day fear-busting email course (specially designed for narcissistic relationship survivors) at http://narcissismsupportcoach.com. Join SPAN (Support for People Affected by Narcissism in toxic relationships) - AKA "The SPANily" - at http://queenbeeing.com/group-support. Let's Also Connect On: Facebook at   / coachangieatkinson  . Instagram:   / coachangieatkinson   Tiktok:   / coachangieatkinson   Pinterest:   / angyatkinson   Twitter:   / angieatkinson