3D Text Animation in After Effects | Tutorial
► Learn how to animate with expressions in After Effects! Check out my new course: https://bit.ly/expressions-in-ae ► Get your free expressions sheet: https://bit.ly/expressions-cheat-sheet In this After Effects tutorial, I’ll show you how to animate 3D text in After Effects. We add a texture to the text using an environment layer. The texture is created with Adobe Firefly. Content: 0:00 3D text animation in After Effects 0:07 Using Adobe Firefly to create a texture 0:30 The Cinema 4D renderer 0:44 Creating 3D text 1:50 Adjusting the colours 2:37 Animating with expressions in After Effects 3:26 Adding lights 4:48 Using an environment layer to add a texture 5:57 Animating the letters 8:00 Combining different renderers in After Effects 8:55 Next ► My After Effects Courses + Resources: https://bit.ly/ae-courses ► My After Effects Project Files: https://gumroad.com/manueldoesmotion ► Join the Community: https://bit.ly/community-start-here ► Follow my Socials: Instagram: / manueldoesmotion TikTok: / manueldoesmotion Some of my links are affiliate links. By purchasing through these links I earn some money at NO extra cost to you. It’s a Great way to support my channel! Thanks! #aftereffectstutorial #animation #motiondesign