DISCIPLINE OR REGRET | Best Self Discipline Motivational Speech 2023 | Jim Rohn Les Brown

DISCIPLINE OR REGRET | Best Self Discipline Motivational Speech 2023 | Jim Rohn Les Brown

WHEN LIFE BREAKS YOU - Jim Rohn , Zig Ziglar | Powerful Motivational Speech Help for the author - https://donatepay.ru/don/motivation If you want not to work in old age - https://bitly.su/r54FB0 SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS: https://bit.ly/39t8Mls Please hit the like button and drop us a comment if you have any suggestions or if you have any thoughts about it. We would love to hear from you. Support us by subscribing and don’t forget to click on the bell (notification icon), so we could produce more motivational and inspiring videos for you! Speakers: Jim Rohn - motivational speech Thank you very much for listening! ☀️ Relevant hashtags: #motivation #lesbrown motivational speech motivational speech 2020 motivation 2020 motivational video 2020 best of jim rohn stop wasting time steve harvey motivation eric thomas td jakes stay on tack td jakes 2020 td jakes leadership td jakes motivation les brown 2020 les brown motivation jim rohn motivation inspiration tony robbins eric thomas morning motivation inspiration morning motivation Honesty and integrity Confidence Inspire Others Commitment and Passion Good Communicator Decision Making Capabilities Accountability Delegation and Empowerment Creativity and Innovation Alan Watts self improvement personal development personal growth and development personal growth