Easiest Strategy to make money | What is Momentum Investing?
►My new stock market course starts in October 2022 [SEATS FILLING FAST]: https://wisdomhatch.com/finance/ _______________________________________________________ ►Join my Youtube Membership [exclusive to people who are SERIOUS about stock investing - I post regular updates for community discussion] Go to my Channel homepage: / @akshatzayn Click the 'JOIN' button on top _______________________________________________________ In the stock market, retail investors usually buy low and sell high. That is 1 WAY of making money. The other method is by following the MOMENTUM STRATEGY - when you BUY HIGH and SELL HIGHER Confused? Watch this video till the end to understand what am I talking about:) ********************* Sign up for my Newsletter ► https://wisdomhatch.com/newsletter/ Linkedin► / akshatshrivastavainsead Twitter► / akshat_world Instagram► / akshat.world Telegram► https://t.me/akshatshrivastava *********************** Attributions: Stock videos from Pixabay and Pexels Logos: Wikipedia Commons Video Editor: Ayushman Khare