Asking for Forgiveness Khama Yacana Kelaniya Rajamahavihara Srilanka
Asking for forgiveness Khama Yacana and Buddha Vandana at Kelaniya Rajamahavihara Srilanka. The historical event connected with Kelaniya, is the Buddha’s visit. The Buddha knowing that the Lanka would be the only country where his religion would be most glorified is said to have graced this island with three visits-The first to Mahiyangana, the second to Nagadeepa and third to Kelaniya. The details of these visits are recorded in the Mahawansa and the Chulawansa, the two oldest historical chronicles of Sri Lanka. The Buddha is said to have made his third visit on the personal invitation extended to him by Maniakkhika, the ‘naga’ king of Kelaniya. #Buddha #dharma #sangha #Buddhist #Buddhism #dharma #sangha #Meditation #lovingkindness #metta #MettaBhavana #freemeditation #meditationpractice #lovingkindnessmeditation #bhantedevananda #mindfulness #mettamonday #mettaprayer #mettapractice #blessings #meditationclass #theravada #buddhisttemple