妈妈最喜欢煲的老黄瓜汤🥒清热解暑,营养又健康,做法简单容易💯👍🏻Mother's favorite cooking old cucumber soup 🥒 clears heat, delicious

妈妈最喜欢煲的老黄瓜汤🥒清热解暑,营养又健康,做法简单容易💯👍🏻Mother's favorite cooking old cucumber soup 🥒 clears heat, delicious

妈妈最喜欢煲的老黄瓜汤🥒清热解暑,营养又健康,做法简单容易💯👍🏻 材料:1条老黄瓜、1把红枣、1把枸杞、500克排骨、2000毫升清水、1茶勺盐 1)把老黄瓜去皮去芯切块,红枣去核&枸杞一起清洗干净 2)冷锅冷水把排骨煮至沸腾,清洗一下 3)准备一锅2000毫升清水,煮至沸腾后把排骨、红枣、枸杞一起下锅大火煮滚 4)再倒入慢炖锅,炖3小时 5)最后加入1茶勺盐,搅拌均匀即可❤️ Mother's favorite cooking old cucumber soup 🥒 clears heat and relieves heat, is nutritious and healthy, simple and easy to make 💯👍🏻 Ingredients: 1 old cucumber, 1 handful red date, 1 handful goji berry, 500 grams of pork ribs, 2000 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of salt 1) Peel the old cucumber, remove the core and cut into pieces, remove the core of the red dates and clean the goji berries together 2) Boil the pork ribs in a cold pot of cold water until boiling, and wash them 3) Prepare a pot of 2000ml water, boil it until it boils, put the pork ribs, red dates, goji berry together in the pot and boil it 4) Pour into the slow cooker and simmer for 3 hours 5) Finally, add 1 teaspoon of salt and stir evenly ❤️