The Witcher 3 Next Gen Update: Xbox One vs. Series S vs. Series X comparison | Graphics Loading FPS
#thewitcher3 #xbox #seriesx My Monitor: https://amzn.to/3z4d2nz The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition comparison of game size, loading times, graphics and resolution, and FPS frame rate test in both ray tracing quality and performance mode. RT= Ray Tracing 0:00 Game Size 0:13 Loading Times 1:23 RT Quality Graphics & Resolution One vs. S vs. X 3:04 RT Quality FPS Test One vs. S vs. X 3:48 S vs. X RT Quality FPS Test 6:06 Series S Quality vs. Performance 6:42 Series X Ray Tracing vs. Performance 7:18 Performance Graphics & Resolution One vs. S vs. X 8:16 Performance FPS Test One vs. S vs. X