Abhayadana Released Goat from Meat Shop Bhante Devananda

Abhayadana Released Goat from Meat Shop Bhante Devananda

Full Moon Abhayadana practicing Metta Parami released a goat from a slaughtered house. Abhayadana Goat from Mr. Felix Makmur in Indonesia in front of Borobudur Stupa at Kotte Rajamaha Vihara Srilanka. There was Matakabhatta Jataka. One day, while the Buddha was staying in Jetavana, some bhikkhus asked him if there was any benefit in sacrificing goats, sheep, and other animals as offerings for departed relatives. “No, bhikkhus,” replied the Buddha. “No good ever comes from taking life, not even when it is for the purpose of providing a Feast for the Dead.” Then he told this story of the past. Long, long ago, when Brahmadatta was reigning in Baranasi, a brahman decided to offer a Feast for the Dead and bought a goat to sacrifice. “My boys,” he said to his students, “take this goat down to the river, bathe it, brush it, hang a garland around its neck, give it some grain to eat, and bring it back.” “Yes, sir,” they replied and led the goat to the river. While they were grooming it, the goat started to laugh with a sound like a pot smashing. Then, just as strangely, it started to weep loudly. The young students were amazed at this behavior. “Why did you suddenly laugh,” they asked the goat, “and why do you now cry so loudly?” “Repeat your question when we get back to your teacher,” the goat answered. The students hurriedly took the goat back to their master and told him what had happened at the river. Hearing the story, the master himself asked the goat why it had laughed and why it had wept. “In times past, brahman,” the goat began, “I was a brahman who taught the Vedas like you. I, too, sacrificed a goat as an offering for a Feast for the Dead. Because of killing that single goat, I have had my head cut off 499 times. I laughed aloud when I realized that this is my last birth as an animal to be sacrificed. Today I will be freed from my misery. On the other hand, I cried when I realized that, because of killing me, you, too, may be doomed to lose your head five hundred times. It was out of pity for you that I cried.” “Well, goat,” said the brahman, “in that case, I am not going to kill you.” #buddha #Dharma #Sangha #abhayadana #fangshen #saveanimals #jatakatales #buddha #buddhism #buddhist #metta #lovingkindness #compassion #bhantedevananda #smilingmonk #bekind #mettamonk #indianabuddhisttemple