Reaction! The Walking Dead S6E16! NEGAN IS HERE!!
My reaction to the Season 6 Finale of The Walking Dead. NEGAN IS HERE!!! I've been waiting SO long for this!!!! Hope you all enjoyed the episode as much as I did as well as I hope you enjoy this reaction video. If you love The Walking Dead as much as I do, check out some of the groups I'm in on Facebook. We all love discussing the show like it's our lives! Enrique's Walking Dead Group / deadw. . The Walking Dead Saviors / twdsa. . If you're a particular fan of Carol: The Walking Dead-TEAM CAROL / 88863. . And last but most certainly not least; if you are the twisted and demented type of fan that I am and are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the man who leads The Saviors into the bloodbaths they cause, join my friends' and I's group: Negan's Army https://www.facebook.com/negansarmy/?... Also, finally, I would like to ask if you wouldn't mind sharing the link to my gofundme campaign. I am currently in between work right now; a separated veteran who is struggling to find whatever work I can as my family and I are fighting to keep our roof over our heads. The full details of our situation are explained in the campaign link itself. Thank you for viewing and sharing to those who do. http://www.gofund.me/aquqjtac