November 6, 2024, Wednesday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

November 6, 2024, Wednesday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

Thank you for uniting your prayers with those of our congregation gathered at St. Vincent’s, to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit and in truth. We are particularly pleased to provide this opportunity to be in spiritual communion with those who cannot attend in person for serious reasons of illness, infirmity, or distance. Remember that if you are physically able, our Lord longs for, and actually requires, your bodily presence at His Banquet of Thanksgiving – the celebration of the Holy Eucharist – each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation. The virtual is no substitute for the real! We livestream Mass each day at 8:15AM, 9:00AM on Sundays and National Holidays. Recordings are also available at any time following the live Mass. If you would like to receive notifications regarding our livestream events, subscribe for free to our YouTube channel or our Facebook page. To view the hymnal online: visit, go to worship tab, livestream mass tab, then click on MUSIC HYMNAL at top of page.