5 Exercises Not To Do Over 50
There’s this trend in the fitness industry right now towards “functional”, performance-oriented training, supposedly designed to make you stronger, faster, more explosive, jump higher, whatever. And many people who start weight lifting over 50 erroneously come to believe that performing these types of exercises in their over-50 strength training program will keep them youthful. Big mistake. You’re going to get hurt, and find out you don’t recover from injuries as well as you did when you were a kid. Much better to strength train using tried-and-true exercises that are much simpler to perform, much safer, and way more effective, and then go apply that strength and engage in some physical activities that you enjoy. And lo and behold, you’ve achieved the same goal of feeling youthful and staying a kid at heart – without the injuries. In this video, I’ll go over 5 exercises not to do over 50, and what you can do instead to create an over 50 weight training program for yourself that is effective, safe, time-efficient, and sustainable. For answers to your questions about how to build and maintain strength after 50, hit the subscribe button! WEBSITE: https://strengthafter50.com FREE EBOOK "The New Rules of Strength Training Over 50": https://www.strengthafter50.com/newru... WORKOUT PROGRAMS: Gym Training: https://www.strengthafter50.com/stay-... Home Training: https://www.strengthafter50.com/over-... Advanced Training: https://www.strengthafter50.com/agele... ONLINE COACHING: https://www.strengthafter50.com/coach... FACEBOOK: / strengthafter50