Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B - Children's Liturgy
Join Father Marquard, Alex Schindler, and Josh Wang, in our Children's Liturgy of the Word Series to celebrate the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B. Family discussion questions, activities and a prayer can be located below to help you be mindful of this week's message throughout the week. NOTE FOR PARENTS This video is not intended to be a substitute for Sunday Mass for adults but we strongly encourage you to watch this video alongside your children. This is a tool to help you as parents in the role you were given at your child's baptism as the primary educators in the faith for your children. It has been shown that children pay attention to what their parents pay attention to, so by watching together you can help instill a love for the Faith and Scripture in your children's hearts at a young age. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Share a time when you asked Jesus to help when you or someone you know was sick. 2. Today’s Gospel tells us that “the whole town” was gathered at the door of Simon and Andrew’s house. How many people do you think Jesus healed that night? 3. Why do you think it was important for Jesus to go and preach in the other villages? 4. How are you spreading the Gospel message in your actions without words, as Jesus heals in the Gospel today? FAMILY ACTIVITIES 1. At every stage of life, each of us makes important decisions that have an impact on us and those around us. Teach your child that we all need quiet reflection and prayer before these important decisions are made. We can call on the Holy Spirit, or God the Father, or Jesus Christ to help guide us. You might share some crossroads or key decisions you have made and how prayer helped guide you in making a decision. 2. Find out who needs prayers for healing at church or at your child’s school and then gather your family to decide what action you could take to assist them. Is there an organized way to get meals to the family? Could your family write a prayer, pray it, and then write it onto a card to send to that person? Take action! FAMILY PRAYER Prayer for Family Members Jesus still heals and takes care of people’s needs today. Take time to pray for the needs of those in your family. Each family member can name one or more persons they want to pray for. Write all the names down and pray the prayer below, inserting the names as indicated. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord Jesus, protect [list of names] physically, spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically this day. Help them to know that they can turn to you for strength and guidance. Keep evil far from them and help them to trust you as their refuge and strength. Make them strong and courageous in the presence of danger, recognizing that with you they can face any challenge. Take care of them in all the circumstances of their lives. Amen. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES 'The Mass Box' is an awesome monthly subscription box full of weekly crafts, videos, discussion questions, and all the supplies needed so you can spend less time running around getting supplies and more time together. Head to this link and get subscribed today: http://www.themassbox.com?aff=50 Excerpts from the English translation of Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation, (ICEL); excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, ICEL. Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license # A-728843. The King of Love My Shepherd Is Music and Lyrics: Public Domain #ChildrensLiturgy #CatholicKids #CLOW