The Rosary Today I Friday I February 28 2025 I The Holy Rosary I Sorrowful Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries 1: The Agony in the Garden 2: The Scourging at the Pillar. 3: The Crowning with Thorns. 4: The Carrying of the Cross. 5: The Crucifixion and Death of our Lord. The Holy Rosary refers to a set of prayers used in the Catholic Church and to the string of knots or beads used to count the component prayers. The prayers that compose the Rosary are arranged in sets of ten Hail Mary's, called decades. Each decade is preceded by one Lord's Prayer and traditionally followed by one Glory Be. #rosary #rosario #holyrosary #sorrowful #mysteries #Friday #sorrowful_mysteries For Support: If you have any question please take your time to contact us via mail, and we will respond within 24h Our Email: [email protected] © 2025 Amen Hallelujah. The copyright of this video is owned by Amen Hallelujah. Downloading, duplicating and re-uploading will be considered as copyright infringement rosary, praying the rosary, holy rosary, rosary beads, the rosary, the holy rosary, rosary wednesday, rosary thursday, rosary tuesday, rosary monday, rosary friday, saturday rosary, holy rosary thursday, sunday rosary, holy rosary wednesday, holy rosary tuesday, holy rosary monday, holy rosary friday, holy rosary saturday, holy rosary sunday, our lady of the rosary, chaplet of st michael, rosary necklace, catholic rosary, holy rosary church, you tube rosary, chaplets, praying the holy rosary, rosary bracelets, rosary online, virtual rosary, daily rosary, divine mercy rosary, gold rosary necklace, holy rosary catholic church, saying the rosary, rosary in english, seven sorrows rosary, hail mary rosary, rosary for dummies, virtual rosary thursday, virtual rosary wednesday, gold rosary, scriptural rosary, virtual rosary monday, relevant radio rosary, virtual rosary tuesday, ewtn rosary, virtual rosary friday, our lady of the rosary church, virtual rosary saturday, virtual rosary sunday, rosary of liberatio, the holy rosary sunday, silver rosary, daily rosary monday, the holy rosary wednesday, the holy rosary saturday, the holy rosary tuesday, chaplet of st joseph, blasphemous rosary beads, holy land rosary, rosary army, holy rosary in english