When (and how) to do a 3-STEP PAINT CORRECTION!
Many of you ask this question: when is it the "right" time to do a 3-step, or 3-stage, paint correction? In this video, we demonstrate how to do a proper paint evaluation, and we talk you through our thought process behind what pad to use first -- and why. And then, how to determine whether you need multiple pads to get the job done right. PRODUCTS USED: GOLD STANDARD POLISH: https://bit.ly/GoldStandardPolish GOLD STANDARD WAFFLE PAD: https://bit.ly/GoldStandardWafflePad GOLD STANDARD WOOL PAD: https://bit.ly/GoldStandardWoolPad ROTARY JEWELING PAD: https://bit.ly/RotaryJewelingPad PAD WASHER: https://bit.ly/PadWasher RINSELESS WASH: https://bit.ly/RinselessWash PLUSH BUFFING TOWEL: https://bit.ly/PlushBuffingTowel MAX GLOSS ROTARY POLISHER: https://bit.ly/DIYMaxGlossRotary 25MM DUAL ACTION POLISHER: https://bit.ly/25mmCorrectionProDA Website: https://diydetail.com/ Podcast:https://bit.ly/DIYDetailPodcast Join the DIY Detail Facebook Group!: https://bit.ly/DIYDetailFacebookGroup Find DIY Detail products worldwide: https://diydetail.com/pages/distributors #autodetailing #diydetail #yvanlacroix #carwash #claytowel #detailing #detalingtip #howtodetailacar #detailing101