GTA Online | The Diamond Casino Heist | Mandatory Prep Mission | Thermal Charges | PS4

GTA Online | The Diamond Casino Heist | Mandatory Prep Mission | Thermal Charges | PS4

Playlist Link:    • Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) - Survivin...   "So, plan A was to steal our charges from a local munitions warehouse. Then some rednecks from up north stole them for a round of explosive baseball, so, plan B is to steal 'em right back. They've been partying for seventy-two hours straight, so this should be like taking candy from a really drunk baby." ― Lester's briefing. ( Shout-out to my team-mates: virgin_mojito_, rbajaj1994, satwicruia Facebook:   / dontgetbusted   Instagram:   / dontgetbusted_gaming   #gaming #dontgetbusted #dontgetbustedgaming