Resident Evil 8 Village Mercenaries - The Mad Village 2 SSS Rank [PS4]

Resident Evil 8 Village Mercenaries - The Mad Village 2 SSS Rank [PS4]

My walkthrough of Resident Evil 8 Village Mercenaries - The Mad Village 2 SSS Rank. Join me as I try my best (and worst) to get the Legendary Cowboy Trophy and the in game weapon, the Light Saber (LZ Answerer). Time Stamps: 00:02 - SSS rank test (attempts of Mad Village 2). 01:30 - Prep Time for Area 1. 01:48 - Start of Area 1. 05:53 - End of Area 1. 06:03 - Prep Time for Area 2. 06:29 - Start of Area 2. 09:16 - End of Area 2. 09:27 - Prep Time for Area 3. 10:17 - Start of Area 3. 14:30 - Running to the exit of Area 3. 15:04 - End of Area 3. 15:15 - Prep Time for Area 4. 15:38 - Start of Area 4. 18:34 - End of Area 4. 18:48 - Prep Time for Area 5. 19:33 - Start of Area 5. 20:30 - Area 5 Death. Warning though! My Aiming Sucks! Major Tips: Tip 1: Occasionally its better for you to aim on their body area than head. They sway more in this mode and you have high chance of missing your shots. Its better to damage them than deal no damage at all. Tip 2: Save the wolfsbane ammo! Although I missed a lot of my shots due to my inconsistent aiming, keep in mind that these can almost 1 shot all the boss encounters. Use it carefully! Tip 3: You can die and still receive the S rank but note that dying will negate all time remaining thus giving you 0 additional points for the time remaining bonus. My 1st S rank I died at area 4 trying to get to the finish point with 0 ammo and 1 mine. My tip on Area 4, as soon as you deplete your ammo, head straight to the finish point to bank your time remaining for that additional point. Area 1 Tips: Kill the bird on your way out of the first cabin to buy you enough time as your 10th kill. Make sure that you grab the pipe bomb and use it on the 2 Armored Lycan (Large) to kill them quickly for the combo. Stay in the covered walk path and shoot them from there so that you wont worry about them coming up to you from the back. Near the last area if you have the ability Executioner and Breakshot and don't mind losing out on ammo, you can kill the final boss. But it is highly recommended to not bother with it and just kill 40 of the enemies. Area 2 Tips: Buy the magnum and a lot of pipe bomb, use the magnum on the 1st boss encounter at the start of the area. Upon defeating the flying enemies, head straight into the center of the ruins and throw the pipe bomb at the crowd of spawned Lycans before taking the time/ability spawns. Use your magnum on the Soldat Eins. There is a Time spawn below the bridge, this is optional to grab, however it is also optional to use your magnum on the archers across the bridge. I only used it to instant kill them and buy me some combo time to grab the time spawn and head into the main circle. The Two Large boss enemies will spawn upon entering the circle, use your magnum on both. Upon finishing this area, you are already guaranteed to get at least an A rank, or even a SS rank if you have a lot of time remaining and combo kills. Area 3 to 5 are optional, but recommended for a guaranteed SS or SSS rank. Area 3 Tips: You can die at area 3 and still get the Rank for the trophy achievement (As seen in my first clip where I died inside the stronghold and still got SS rank). Buy some Pipe bombs or Mine, you will be using them a lot if you want to conserve your ammo. Your goal is only to kill 25 enemies and sprint towards the exit as soon as possible to save ammo and time. Pipe bomb or mine the first 3 Soldat Eins. The next 2 Soldat Ein spawns, you can either bomb them or if you still have enough ammo for your magnum, you can also use it on them. Use your pipe bomb/mine on the 3 Soldat Jets that will spawn at the entrance of the stronghold. Upon entering inside the stronghold, just kill the archer Lycans to get your 25th kill and use the entrance stairs as your safe spot. Avoid the Soldat Jets. Upon getting your 25th kill, run towards the exit. Area 4 Tips: Buy more pipe bombs/mine and use it on the first horde of Lycans. Try your best to keep your combo kills as this map is also good source of score if you failed to achieve your goal points from the first 3 areas. As the Big enemy spawn, use your Magnum if you still have a few remaining ammo, if not use bomb instead. Use your pipe bombs on the group of spawned lycans. As soon as you kill all the Lycans at the workshop (the area after Luiza's house down the fields), Head straight to the exit. Its also optional to kill the spawned Lycans around the exit. Area 5 Tips: If you still have Magnum Ammos, you can use it on Miranda. Just try to stay alive long and kill the enemies she spawns at you. If you can beat Miranda, you are welcome to do so. I couldn't beat her so i just ended my walkthrough dying. Still got the SSS Rank though. This walkthrough is no possible without a guide and walkthrough by others. I watched Maka91Production's The Mad Village 2 SSS Rank. I do recommend you watching his guide as he did a better job than me. This is just my interpretation to his walkthrough. Enjoy! Thank you all! Stay Safe!