Why Are Fans Mad At Eminem?

Why Are Fans Mad At Eminem?

Why are fans mad at Eminem? Eminem’s fans are so angry at him that they’re throwing his new albums in the trash! They believe Eminem changed his sound and no longer sounds like the old Eminem. Fans loved the old Eminem because he said crazy stuff and exposed the rap industry. But Eminem said every time he goes back to his old sound, his fans say he needs to grow up because he’s not in his twenties anymore. Fans said Eminem’s new tracks sound like a grown man rapping like a kid and they mute it when it comes on. Eminem is 50 years old and most people his age are close to retiring. Eminem however wants to continue to hustle in the rap industry and change the game. But he said when he tries to make more mature music and rap like a grown up, his fans say they miss the old Eminem. They say he’s just making music to pay his bills and buy his daughter whatever she wants. At this point, Eminem says he doesn't know what to do because whatever musical choice he makes, he’ll disappoint someone. Eminem’s latest album received mixed reviews but people applauded him for adapting to the modern music era.