12/31/23 Lessons and Carols

12/31/23 Lessons and Carols

Service starts at 10:00AM CCLI Streaming License: CSPL163221 Want to give to Trinity UMC? Click here: https://secure.myvanco.com/YQNY/home Register your Attendance: https://forms.gle/LDqn9yrm7ZSHo7tbA Worship Leaders: Worship Leader – Pastor Bryson Lillie Musicians – Sarah Lillie & Debby Groover Worship Order: Welcome Offering Centering Music Call to Worship A Time for Prayerful Preparation First Lesson - Genesis 3:8-15, 17-19 Carol: “Angels from the Realm of Glory” - UMH #220 vs.1-2, 4 Second Lesson - Genesis 17:1-9, 15-16 Special Music: “Do You Hear What I Hear?” - Brian Walls Third Lesson - Jeremiah 31:31-34, Isaiah 9:1-7 Carol: “Away in a Manger” - UMH #217 Fourth Lesson - Luke 2:1-20 Special Music: “The Birthday of a King” - Debby Groover Fifth Lesson - Matthew 2:1-12 Carol: "We Three Kings" - UMH #253 Sixth Lesson - John 14:1-6 Special Music - Alexis Highland Seventh Lesson - Colossians 3:12-17 Carol: "Go, Tell it on the Mountain” - UMH #251 Concluding Prayer Lord’s Prayer Announcements Benediction