Creating your personal home cloud backup storage server in India for FREE
In this video, we are building a personal home cloud backup server in India using NextCloud. This server will replace & work as an FREE alternative to Google Photos / Drive or any other paid cloud backup & storage service like OneDrive, DropBox and such. Don't through your old Laptop or PC away. In this video, we will show you, how can you recycle and reuse your OLD out dated computers to make a FREE cloud backup server for yourself. We will show you how to install & configure software and services like AWS, OpenVPN, NextCloud and Ubuntu Linux for your own personal home cloud backup storage server and automatically backup pictures and videos from your phone, tablet & other devices. Website link to our step by step tutorial - https://lazytourer.com/in/how-to-setu... Dont have a spare computer? Let's buy one cheap / used.. Here is our guide where we buy a really cheap desktop PC to build a home server with home delivery :- • Guide to Buy used PC for making Home ... ---------------Music--------------- Vexento Tevo - • Vexento - Tevo ------------------------------------------ ----------Contact us------------ Twitter :- @LazyTourer Instagram :- @LazyTourer YouTube :- /LazyTourer Website :- LazyTourer.com Media Contact :- contact [at] lazytourer.com ------------------------------------------