Tibetan Bowl | Demo 7
Part 7 of 7 in the mini series on Tibetan bowls 🎉 #tibetanbowls #soundhealing #soundtherapy #meditation #yoga #ohm #singingbowls Want your own singing bowls? Check them out here: https://www.lifechangingenergy.com/co... Heal with the power of 7 chakra crystals, PEMF, photon, negative ion and heat: https://www.lifechangingenergy.com/co... Balance your chakras in 7 minutes with these FREE Daily Chakra Affirmations: https://vickiegould.kartra.com/page/f... Get certified in Crystal and Chakra Healing (85% off) here: https://www.life-changingenergy.com/c... Get certified in Sound Healing (91% off) here: https://www.life-changingenergy.com/S... Follow us at: / lifechangingenergy https://www.intagram.com/lifechanging... / lifechangingenergy Visit our store for energy healing, training, crystals, holistic health, sound, light and color therapy. www.lifechangingenergy.com?el=YT Yoga clothing: https://www.lifechangingenergy.com/co... • Tibetan Bowl | Demo 7