First Sunday after Christmas (December 29, 2024, 10:30 am)

First Sunday after Christmas (December 29, 2024, 10:30 am)

A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols Our wholehearted thanks and blessings to our String Quartet (Christina Johnson, Laura O’Konski, Jordan Wright, Matthew Reffner), and our guest singers Beverly Westergren (Soprano) and Jay An (Bass) for joining us this morning. St. John's Lutheran Church 5952 Franconia Road Alexandria, VA 22310 #LCMS #LC-MS #LutherhanWorship #LSB #Lutheran #LutheranChurch #LutheranAlexandriaVA #LCMSchurchalexandriava #NorthernVirginia #NOVA #FairfaxCounty #FairfaxCountyVA #LutheranFranconiaVA #ChristianWorship #LutheranChurchMissouriSynod #AlexandriaVA