4th Sunday in Lent 3/27/22
Holy Eucharist on the 1st Sunday in Lent at St Jude's Anglican Church Click here for Service Guide | https://bit.ly/35ekj8v Click here for Donations | https://bit.ly/36K2bjQ Order of Service: The Lessons 10:15 | A Reading From Exodus 16:4-15 13:03 | Responsive Reading Psalm 147 (Chanted) 17:24 | A Reading From Galatians 4:21-31 19:17 | Gospel Reading | John 6:1-14 22:01 | The Sermon 53:45 | Nicene Creed 55:32 | The Prayers of the People 59:13 | The Confession and Absolution of Sin 1:08:26 | Doxology 1:13:48 | The Lord's Prayer 1:19:03 | The Ministration of Communion 1:23:02 | The Post Communion Prayer 1:24:05 | Closing Hymn 1:25:51 | The Dismissal