🔴🅻🅸🆅🅴 SUNDAY SERVICE | Pr.Sherin | Pr.Andrew | JCC CHURCH Vattam

🔴🅻🅸🆅🅴 SUNDAY SERVICE | Pr.Sherin | Pr.Andrew | JCC CHURCH Vattam

Tamil Christian Message | Divine Comfort Church | Pastor Sherin | தமிழ் கிறிஸ்தவ செய்தி Pastor Sherin | Tamil Christian Message | Divine Comfort Church | தமிழ் கிறிஸ்தவ செய்தி ***************************************************** For Prayers - 9688651002 LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel: @PastorSherin ***************************************************** DIVINE COMFORT MINISTRIES, Pastor Sherin, 1-143, Vattam, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu - 629174 South India GPay, PhonePe - 9688651002 ***************************************************** #DivineComfortChurch #ahorts #acaavadi #Comfortchurch #gabrielthomasraj #tamilchristianmessage #aca #promisemessage #tamilchristiansongs #fgpcngl #fgpcnagercoil #jesusmessage #sermon #jesus #MuzhangalYuttham #Pastorbenz #Prbenz #Tamilchristianworship #Tamilchristiansongs #Tamilchristainmessage #Tamilchristianworshipsongs #Covichurch #Coimbatorechurch #comfortchurch #benzpastormessage #pastorbenz #pastorbenzmessageintamil #pastorbenzlivetoday #pastorbenzyouthmessage #cometocomfort #tamilchristianmessage #benzwhatsappstatustamil #benzlivetodaytamil #husbandwifemustwatchmessage #jesusredeems #coimbatorechurch #ChurchofGod