I Will Teach You To Be Rich | 5 Most Important Lessons | Ramit Sethi (AudioBook summary)

I Will Teach You To Be Rich | 5 Most Important Lessons | Ramit Sethi (AudioBook summary)

We make this video to share with you I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi The 5 major lessons in this book are; 1. Do not make excuses, blame others or feel guilty about your financial position. Instead, identify the habits that have brought you to this state and gradually start to change it. 2. Decide what is important to you, and then focus your time and finances on achieving that goal. 3. Automate your savings and bills payment, so that you will be more discipline with money. 4. Convert your personal accounts into a non-fee paying account, if that’s possible in your country. 5. When it comes to achieving your financial goals;you have to take actions, start where you are, with what you have. Subscribe to this channel (Success Secrets TV) to join the success driven community. Click Here... http://bit.ly/2LrTxua Marguerita Vossen, OnePercentBetter, Refusing to Settle We Love You.