How to Answer "What Motivates You" in an Interview - 3 Best Strategies | Indeed Career Tips
Explore Indeed's interview help services: https://go.indeed.com/W99YD3 Employers often ask "What motivates you" in order to gauge whether you will be propelled by the demands of the role and to determine whether you are self-aware of your work habits. Jenn, a certified career coach at Indeed, shares three considerations for crafting a genuine answer that best aligns with the role: What did a great day at work look like in previous roles?; What made you choose your profession or field?; and What prompted you to apply for the role when you read the job description? 0:00 Introduction 0:45 Why do employers ask "What motivates you?" in an interview? 2:13 How to answer "What motivates you?" based on what your previous work experiences + example answer 4:30 How to answer "What motivates you?" based on your longstanding professional interests + example answer 6:05 How to answer "What motivates you?" based on your interest in this new role + example answer 7:37 What to avoid when answering "What motivates you?" 8:33 Recap of strategies for answering "What motivates you?" in an interview Follow Indeed! / indeed / indeed / indeedworks / indeed-com / indeed • How to Answer "What Motivates You" in... More people find jobs on Indeed than anywhere else. Indeed is the #1 job site in the world* with 580M job seeker profiles.** Indeed allows job seekers to search millions of jobs, post resumes, research companies and more in over 60 countries and 28 languages. And over 3.5M employers use Indeed to find and hire new employees. For more information, visit https://www.indeed.com. On our YouTube channel, you’ll find tips and personal stories to help you take the next step in your job search. The information in this video is provided as a courtesy. Indeed is not a legal advisor and does not guarantee job interviews or offers. *ComScore, Total Visits, March 2024 **Indeed data (worldwide), job seeker accounts that have a unique, verified email address Create a free Indeed account: https://go.indeed.com/7NA37Z Find your next job: https://go.indeed.com/findjobs More career advice and resources from Indeed: https://go.indeed.com/RFW437 #Indeed #whatmotivatesyou #interviewtips