Votive Shrine Daily Mass | Live Stream | January 03, 2022, Monday at 6:30 am English Mass
Votive Shrine Daily Mass | Live Stream | January 03, 2022, Monday at 6:30 am English Mass - White MONDAY AFTER EPIPHANY - THE MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS Readings: Weekday 1st Reading: PHILIPPIANS 2:6-11 Responsorial Psalm: PSALMS 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Gospel: LUKE 2:21-24 Saint of the Day: ST. ANTERUS, POPE ST. JOSEPH MARY TOMASI, THEATINE PRIEST, CARDINAL ST. TELESPHORE, POPE AD MARTYR ST. GENEVIÈVE, VIRGIN ~~~~~~~~~~ Register & Book Mass Online - https://crm.votiveshrine.in/user WhatsApp- +919498410200 Subscribe to our channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/VotiveShrin... Stay connected on social media: / votiveshrine LIVE ON: http://votiveshrine.in/?page_id=1671 / live Visit us at https://www.votiveshrine.in