10 Mysterious Things Found On Google Earth

10 Mysterious Things Found On Google Earth

From a giant ship made of ice to a secret forest in the sky, plus a horrifying pentagram that science can’t explain!! Here are 10 of the most mysterious things found on Google Earth! Subscribe to American Eye http://goo.gl/GBphkv 10: Giant Ice Ship It's time to find some cool stuff on Google Earth, and let's start with an ice ship recently spotted frozen between icebergs between New Zealand and Antarctica. 9: A Secret Forest Our next mysterious discovery From Google Earth is more in the realm of reality. Believe it or not, in 2018 Google Earth helped lead a team of scientists to a previously untouched mountaintop rainforest. 8: Strange Ice Structure New satellite images have revealed an extremely mysterious structure that could prove to be the lost city of Atlantis. The satellite images come from above Antarctica, and they are fueling the idea that an ancient civilization once lived on the continent. 7: Mysterious UFO Moving north from Antarctica, let’s check out even more disturbing satellite images. This next picture has revealed an unidentified flying object either hovering over the rainforest or hidden within the trees. 6: The Skything It's hard to properly describe the next image that was taken from Google Earth. The picture was found on the Google Street View, and it appears to be some sort of sky-thing hovering in the air above a completely normal neighborhood in Italy. 5: Pentagram Take one look at the horrifying pentagram captured on Google Earth and you might think the devil is about to make an appearance. This pentagram was found etched into the surface of the earth in an isolated corner of Kazakhstan. 4: Submerged Mystery Yet another mysterious object has been spotted using Google Earth off the coast of Greece. It appears to be a submerged mystery. The object looks like it's made in a perfect circle, it appears to be about 220 feet in length, and some say it's actually a volcanic crater. 3: Lost Egyptian Pyramids One of the most mysterious things ever found on Google Earth has to do with ancient Egypt. Just a few years ago, a woman from North Carolina who was in the business of discovering archaeological evidence of ancient civilizations on Google Earth posted a satellite photograph from the deserts of Egypt that showed a cluster of pyramids that had never before been seen by the world. 2: Crashed UFO Our next mysterious photo from Google Earth has been around for a while. At first glance, it appears to show a UFO that crash landed on South Georgia Island in Antarctica. 1: Sunken Airplane Off the coast of Edinburgh in Scotland, there appears to be an entire airplane sitting at the bottom of the water. This is a real mystery that has yet to be solved. #mysteriousdiscoveries #googleearth #strangefinds #americaneye