My Take on Captain America: Brave New World

My Take on Captain America: Brave New World

My Review/Thoughts on Captain America: Brave New World Tag for this video: #briansolow #gamer55551 #captainamericabravenewworld #captainamerica #marvelstudios #disney #mcu #movie #moviereview #movie2025 Note to Parents: Captain America: Brave New World is rated PG-13 here in the USA - Cast & Crew - Runtime for Captain America Brave New World: 1 hour and 58 minutes 00:00 - Intro 03:14 - What I like 06:20 - What I didn’t like/Mix/Not Sure 07:50 - Overall What I like Nice that they acknowledge the events of 2008 The Incredible Hulk & 2021 The Eternals (and set the stage for X-Men & Wolverine to appear in the MCU) At 80 Harrison Ford still got it (plus Anthony Mackie does a good job playing the new Captain America & Tim Blake Nelson plays Samuel Sterns) Like that, they went with a political thriller for this one (and I enjoyed the Red Hulk scene) What I didn’t like/Mix/Not Sure Although I enjoy the story it wasn’t as good as Winter Soldier was A little disappointed with Giancarlo Esposito's character Sidewinder Music used for this video - Violet Letter by Aulx Studio (from Follow me on Facebook -   / brian.solow.9   X - @BrianGamer5555 (Set to private so invite only) Blogger - Threads - @solowbrian Mastodon - @[email protected] BlueSky - Feel free to donate to this channel (if you like to): Support my channel on Patreon - Support my channel on Steamlabs -