"Silent Night" Beginner Guitar Lesson – Fingerstyle & Strummed!

"Silent Night" Beginner Guitar Lesson – Fingerstyle & Strummed!

👉 Get my print-friendly tabs! Play-along videos also available. Find 'em at https://songnotes.net/lessons/533/ ~~~~~~~~~~ 🎄 Check out my Christmas songbook! For all traditional songs, PDFs are included with membership on my Song Notes website. I have a bunch of modern song lessons available as well (with licensed song sheets available for separate purchase). https://songnotes.net/topics/christma... ~~~~~~~ 🎟️ Enjoy my lessons? Join the Song Notes community! Members get full access to my premium courses, my extended video lessons, my instructional (non-song) PDF cheat sheets, and all my traditional Christmas song PDFs. Members also get a 50% discount when buying any of my licensed song sheets (which applies to all modern songs – see my website for more info). Learn more @ https://songnotes.net/join Audience support makes these lessons possible... THANKS! ~~~~~~~~~~ Today’s lesson looks at the all-time classic Silent Night, where I’ll show a few different ways to approach it. I’ll begin by showing an easy-going way to combine the melody line with single strums of each chord, which is tons of fun. I’ll then show the same melody played in a fingerstyle context, which likewise can be a great way to work on your fingerpicking technique. Finally, I’ll end with a simple strum & sing version, in case you’d rather not bother with the melody notes at all. This is quite a fun one, let’s get to it! 0:00 Overview 1:27 Melody, strummed 7:07 Melody, fingerstyle 9:21 Sing & Strum Version