How to create realistic shadow in photoshop #photoshop #photoshoptutorial #adobephotoshop

How to create realistic shadow in photoshop #photoshop #photoshoptutorial #adobephotoshop

in this video I will show you how to create realistic shadow in photoshop step by step in a simple way. Steps: -Open photoshop. -Duplicate the object layer and fill it with black. -Go to edit then perspective warp. -Reduce the opacity. -Go to filters then blur gallery then tilt shift. -Adjust the base point and the handles direction. #photoshoptutorial #tipsandtricks #photoshop #photoshoptips #design #graphicdesign #photoshop_tutorial #photoediting #photoshoptricks #photoshopediting #adobe #adobephotoshop #tutorial #photoshop_tutorial