Five Little Monsters | Little Baby Bum | Preschool Songs | Nursery Rhymes
It’s the spookiest time of the year, Halloween! Together with Timberly Wimberly,the children make little play-doh monster models with googly eyes and horns. With a little bit of special magic from Twinkle, they’re brought to life, teaming up to create fun chaos around the park and park cafe! ► Subscribe to watch NEW Moonbug episodes every week: / @moonbugkids_preschoollearning ⭐ Never miss the newest Little Baby Bum Songs for toddlers!►https://www.youtube.com/user/LittleBa... ⭐Little Baby Bum new videos weekly! ► • New Nursery Rhymes for Babies! ⭐ Litt... ⭐Baby song compilations of four hours and longer! ► • Four hours long baby song compilations! Music available on all major streaming platforms now: https://lnk.to/LBBYTB Little Baby Bum Lullabies: https://lnk.to/LBBLULLYTB Visit: Website ►https://lnk.to/LBBBIO Instagram ► https://lnk.to/LBBIG Facebook ► https://lnk.to/LBBFB Music ► https://LBB.lnk.to/CompleteCollection... ___________________________________ ⭐LYRICS⭐ Five little monsters bouncing happily One bounced off- that's so silly! Mia called the doctor “Can you help me?” Those little monsters must jump carefully! Four little monsters bouncing happily One bounced off- that's so silly! Bari called the doctor “Can you help me?” Those little monsters must jump carefully! Three little monsters bouncing happily One bounced off- that's so silly! Maple called the doctor “Can you help me?” Those little monsters must jump carefully! Two little monsters bouncing happily One bounced off- that's so silly! Timberly called the doctor “Can you help me?” Those little monsters must jump carefully! One little monster bouncing carefully Thinking where could all the little monsters be? Suddenly, wow! Here, look and see! Now there’s five little monsters bouncing happily! ___________________________________ ⭐TIMESTAMPS⭐ 00:00 Five Little Monsters 02:00 6 Little Ducks 03:53 Five Little Speckled Frogs 05:58 Bath Time Party 08:12 Make Your Own Instruments 10:12 1,2 What Shall We Do? - Bake Some Cookies! 11:47 Sing-A-Song of Colours 13:43 Max Learns Bubbles and Shapes 15:26 Vehicle Sound Song 17:31 Big and Small Song 19:30 Hush Little Baby 21:40 Say Goodnight to Teddy 23:44 This is The Way We Wash the Bus 25:35 Wheels on the Bus Sleepy Time 27:37 Avocado Song 29:34 Caterpillar Song 31:40 Finger Family 33:39 12345 Once I Caught a Fish Alive. 35:30 1,2 Put On My Shoe 37:44 This is the way we say Hello 39:43 Are You Sleeping (Baby Max) 41:47 Kangaroo Hop 43:47 Twinkle Twinkle 45:54 5 Little baby Bum Friends 47:56 Baby Bedtime Animal Yoga 50:05 Hickory Dickory Dock 51:48 Round and Round Bunny Wash 53:48 What's Your Name? 55:48 Humpty Dumpty Playtime Dress Up 57:43 Mixing Colours 59:32 What's That Instrument? 1:01:27 Driving My Car 1:03:39 Yes Yes Shoes! 1:05:37 Down by The Bay with Tootson 1:07:42 Dinosaur Cafe 1:09:46 Yummy Fruits 1:11:49 Crunch it, Munch it: Snack Time Song 1:13:50 Incy Wincy Spider 1:15:52 Guitar Lullaby 1:18:08 Rainbow Song 1:20:11 Baby Splashing in the water 1:21:56 1 Potato 2 Potato 1:23:58 The Moon and the Stars 1:25:59 Brush Your teeth Dance 1:27:57 Rain Rain Go Away 1:29:56 5 Green Bottles 1:31:51 Pat a cake 1:33:55 Wheels On The Train 1:35:54 Animal Sounds Eating Song 1:37:58 Hush Little Baby (New Models) 1:40:13 Planes, trains & automobiles feeding (New Models) 1:42:15 No Monsters (remake) (New Models) 1:44:40 Baby Max's First Bath (New Models) 1:46:51 Row, row, row your boat (New Models) 1:48:53 Ants Go Marching 1:50:36 Twinkle Sensorial Colours Bedtime (New Models) 1:52:40 Wheels on the bus bus 1:54:39 Peek-a-boo 1:55:59 Happy and You Know it Giggle Song 1:57:43 Search and Find Bath Time (New Models) ___________________________________ ⭐About Little Baby Bum⭐ Little Baby Bum follows the musical adventures of Mia, Twinkle the Star, and Baby Max. Everyday moments like bath time, getting dressed, or playing peekaboo become even more fun with new and classic nursery rhymes. Little Baby Bum celebrates early childhood experiences and supports cognitive development through loveable characters, relatable stories, and the magic of song, repetition, rhythm, and rhyme. #baby #LittleBabyBum #babysong _______________________________________________ © El Bebe Productions Limited - part of LittleBabyBum ⭐Playlist⭐ • Getting Dressed Song - Little Baby Bu...