Clavicle fracture 쇄골 골절
A clavicle fracture, commonly known as a broken collarbone, occurs when the clavicle (collarbone) is broken This type of fracture is often caused by a direct blow to the shoulder, which can happen during falls, sports activities, or car accidents The clavicle is a long bone that connects the breastplate (sternum) to the shoulder blade (scapula) and lies horizontally across the top of the chest Symptoms of a clavicle fracture can include: Pain that increases with shoulder movement Swelling or bruising over the collarbone area Tenderness over the collarbone Inability to lift the arm because of pain A sagging shoulder (down and forward) A grinding sensation if an attempt is made to raise the arm A deformity or "bump" over the break Treatment for a clavicle fracture can vary depending on the severity of the fracture It can include: Sling or brace to immobilize the area Pain relief medications