The BEST Exercises for Knee Pain
I want you to experience the magic of being in the water through our videos. That is why we don't take sponsorship deals. We don't ask you to buy our products or services. We don't want you to get distracted and lose the magic. If you really want to improve your aquatic skills, we only ask one thing: click the link below. But before you do! Here are six reasons you might not want to: 1- We will offer content that is NOT FREE (Although very affordable). 2- You'll have to read. 3- We don’t always get straight to the point. 4- Some of our stories might make you uncomfortable. 5- You’re just a casual viewer and NOT REALLY into swimming. 6- We’ll ask for your REAL e-mail. Still interested? Here is the link: https://skillswimming.com/members-sub... Thank you! I have three things that most doctors don't have to help you get rid of your knee pain. 1- 4 years of pain experience in both knees. After seeing every specialist, I had to learn how to fix it permanently myself. 2- 6 years studying everything about my knee pain. I have been researching and testing solutions in the pool and exercises on land. In the last 2 years I discovered the missing pieces that now thousands of people are using. 3- and 7 years of experience on Youtube explaining possibly the most complicated sport in the world. And now I can do this, and this, and this, without knee pain. I couldn't even do this before the knee injuries. The doctors obviously helped me with the diagnosis (patellar tendinopathy) and temporarily decrease the pain. A good diagnosis is important to understand your specific rehabilitation needs and limitations. But if you're here because you've been through a similar story and want a permanent solution, keep watching. Our dry-land channel: / @swimmingdrylandbyskillsnt Swimming camps: https://skillswimming.com/swimming-camp/ If you like swimming, you will like our webpage: https://skillswimming.com/swimming/ Our favorite Amazon products: http://bit.ly/SkillsNAmazon Instragram: / skillsntalents Facebook: / skillsntalents Thanks for watching! Swim fast!