Instant sweet recipe | No fire recipe | Evening snacks recipe in tamil |fireless cooking, apple peda

Instant sweet recipe | No fire recipe | Evening snacks recipe in tamil |fireless cooking, apple peda

வணக்கம் & welcome to kitchen lovers, in In this video we will see how to make ghee apple peda recipes in Tamil. This instant peda is a very easy to make recipe which can be made in a few minutes. And only 4 ingredients need to make this peda. This is a fireless clocking recipe. No fire recipe. Also check out this snacks recipe playlist :    • Easy Snacks Recipes   Tea time snacks :    • Evening snacks recipe in tamil | Tea ...   EASY evening snacks pan cake recipe :    • Evening snacks recipe in Tamil |  ban...   Kara boondi & sweet boondi :    • Evening snacks recipe in Tamil |  one...   Pizza :    • Evening snacks recipe in tamil | home...   try this easy instant peda snacks recipe at home and share it with your friends and family. share your feedback about the recipe in the comment box. Cook with happy serve with love. Love cooking. #Evening_snacks_recipe_in_Tamil #eveningsnacks #instantsweet #instantpeda #apple_peda #no_fire_recipe #fireless_cooking #instant_peda #teatimesnacks #easy_snacks_recipe #snacks_recipe_in_tamil #healthy Evening snacks recipe in Tamil | instant sweet in tamil | no fire recipe | fireless cooking | apple peda | instant peda | Tea time snacks recipe | easy snacks recipe | snacks recipe in tamil | healthy sweet Thanks for watching this video Please like 👍 and share 🙏 with your friends And SUBSCRIBE our channel Thankyou