Have you been trying for 6 months and still not pregnant? What should you do next?

Have you been trying for 6 months and still not pregnant? What should you do next?

Apply to Qualify for my Discovery Call 👇 https://bit.ly/3v4Iv5C Get your fertility score FREE training 👇 https://bit.ly/3lwJEjp ________________________________________________ Have you been trying for 6 months and still not pregnant? What should you do next? So you've been trying to get pregnant for six months and all that keeps happening is negative pregnancy tests. If just have fun and keep trying hasn't been the answer to your fertility journey, then this week’s video is for you. In today’s video I will be sharing 7 important (and quite simple) steps you can start taking TODAY that will move you closer to a healthy, positive pregnancy soooo much quicker than ‘just keep trying’ and ‘hoping for the best’. Ready to take some empowered action? Watch now this week episode of #FertilityTV MORE VIDEOS TO WATCH ABOUT PRECONCEPTION HEALTH 5 Things You Should Know Before Planning a Pregnancy -    • 5 Things You Should Know Before Plann...   What to EAT to get pregnant when you're ready -    • PLANNING for a BABY - What to EAT to ...   Things you SHOULD KNOW when planning for a baby soon -    • WATCH THIS BEFORE TRYING TO CONCEIVE ...   ________________________________________________ WANT TO HAVE MARC AS YOUR PERSONAL FERTILITY COACH? ► You're ready to balance your hormones and get pregnant naturally ► You want to reset your reproductive health while preparing for IVF ► You want to improve your egg quality and ovarian reserve with proven natural fertility protocols ► You need a break from IVF and want to get pregnant naturally ► You have been diagnosed with a fertility condition, such as unexplaned infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, low ovarian reserve, fibroid, thyroid issues, autoimmune, irregular cycles, ► You are worried that is taking too long and you're "wasting your time" ► You are worried that is taking too long and you're "wasting your time" BY APPLICATION ONLY He is accepting applications now to work with us in a small group. Serious inquiries only pls. Check out the details and book a call here 👉 https://bit.ly/3v4Iv5C READ THE FULL BLOGPOST HERE 👉 https://bit.ly/3oUtra0    • Have you been trying for 6 months and...   #fertility #getpregnant #fertilitytv