Tips for Beginner Reefers | Nano Saltwater Reef Tanks
In today's video, I walkthrough 6 tips for beginner reefers, specifically useful for nano saltwater reef tanks. I ran into these issues during the setup and first few months of my Waterbox 20 reef tank, and hopefully these tips can help you avoid similar problems with yours! In previous videos, we discussed the equipment and setup of this tank, as well as adding fish and corals. You can find and watch those here: Full Setup - • Waterbox 20 Cube | Nano Reef Aquarium... Adding Fish - • Adding Fish to the Nano Reef Aquarium... Adding Corals - • Adding Corals to the Nano Reef Aquari... Stay tuned for updates on this Waterbox 20 Cube, as we'll be adding more corals and showing progression over time! If you're interested in the equipment used in the this Waterbox Aquarium, you can find it some of it on BulkReefSupply.com, InTankAquatics.com, or at the Amazon affiliate links below: AI Prime Lights: https://amzn.to/3tg3KjC Marine Pure Bio Balls: https://amzn.to/3csSudK Refractometer: https://amzn.to/3t9XEBs Duetto ATO - https://amzn.to/2PuWv4X Sicce Syncra Pump - https://amzn.to/2XEuGvp Carib Sea Sand - https://amzn.to/2XFzpgl