Pete the Cat: The Great Leprechaun Chase🍀🎩 ~Read Aloud

Pete the Cat: The Great Leprechaun Chase🍀🎩 ~Read Aloud

Hey Everyone! Welcome {back} to my channel!🍀🎩 Today I am reading Pete the Cat: The Great Leprechaun Chase! Today's guests are Husky(Dog), Bruno(Dog), and Willow(Dragon). Today's story is about Pete the cat. It's St. Patrick's Day, and it's also the grand opening of Pete the Cat's leprechaun catching business. Pete gears up to trap a leprechaun for his friends! But catching a leprechaun is never easy—especially if it’s Clover, who's full of tricks. Stay until the very end to find out how this story ends! Enjoy! Thanks for watching. Let me know in the comments below if you like it and what other books you would like me to read with my best furry friends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Buy the book here: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow me on Social Media:   / bookwormie-1975460292775496   Follow me on Pinterest: Please subscribe to my second and my third channel! My Second Channel:    / @puppyartheart   My Third Channel:    / @sandmstudioo   My last video:    • The Very Hungry Caterpillar🐛 ~Read Aloud   My last shorts video:    • come closer💖 #shorts   ~~~~~~~ Pete the Cat: The Grace Leprechaun Chase James Dean ~~~~~~~ #Bookwormie #Forkids #Readaloud #Book #Story #stuffedanimals #2022 #ICanRead #readaloudbookwormie #funny #march #march2022 #series #cat #pete #petethecat #petethecatseries #leprechaun #chase #great #thegreatleprechaunchase #leprechaunchase #stpatricksday #stpatrick #stpatrickday #clover #petethecatthegreatleprechaunchase Intro~0:00 Welcome!~0:06 Our guests~0:32 Pete the Cat: The Great Leprechaun Chase~1:02 Thank you for watching!~7:44 Bye!~8:10 Outro~8:23