Early Signs of Fatty Liver Disease | Fatty Liver Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Early Signs of Fatty Liver Disease | Fatty Liver Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Early Signs of Fatty Liver Disease | Fatty Liver Symptoms., Causes, and Treatment #fattyliverdisease #fattyliversymptoms Fatty liver disease: What it is and what to do about it Fatty liver disease (FLD), also known as hepatic steatosis and steatotic liver disease (SLD), Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition where extra fat builds up in the liver. It is becoming more common, now affecting around 20% to 40% of the US population. NAFLD usually doesn't cause any symptoms and is often first detected by accident during an imaging study, such as an abdominal ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, that is requested for another reason. Alternatively, a fatty liver may be identified as part of the investigation into abnormal liver blood tests. NAFLD is closely linked to conditions like diabetes and obesity, and it also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Understanding NAFLD, its causes, consequences, and treatment options is still a work in progress. "The Diverse Manifestations of Fatty Liver Disease" There are lots of medical terms related to fatty liver disease, and it can get confusing. The main medical umbrella term NAFLD refers to a fatty liver that is not related to alcohol use. NAFLD is further divided into two groups: Non-alcoholic fatty liver (NAFL), otherwise known as simple fatty liver, or Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is caused by the buildup of more fat than normal in the liver. Risk factors include: Healthy LifeFit does not provide medical advice and the information provided throughout our videos, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other materials, are entirely intended for informational purposes. The content of Healthy Long Life's videos is not intended to replace the professional medical advice that you should seek from your doctor. All the information presented in these videos is for educational purposes only. #fattyliver #liver . #healthy . #Healthy_LifeFit #fitness #natural #health #homeremedy #healthylifestyle #vegan #naturalskincare #naturalcare #bodyfitness #natural