Crispy Fried Potato Recipe ! Very Easy and Delicious Potato Roll Chips 🍟!
Crispy Fried Potato Recipe ! Very Easy and Delicious Potato Roll Chips 🍟! Peel the potatoes. Cut into thin slices. Roll the potato slices. Fix with a toothpick. Put the toothpicks in the water so that they don't burn when frying. Add salt to the potatoes. Fry in hot and floating oil with gentle heat. Hello, welcome to cookzad channel, if you are not yet a member of our cooking channel, click on the link below👇 https://youtube.com/@COOKZAD?si=CbWsH... #easypotatosnacks #potatofrenchfries #potatoefries #easypotatorecipe #potatorecipe #frenchfries #asmr #cheesychips #cheesyfries #chips cookzad, street food, recipes, easy recipes, yt:cc=on, Potato Recipes, potato chips, french fries, french fries recipe, thousand layer potatoes, potato, how to make french fries, crispy french fries recipe, French fries, 에어프라이어 감자, Simple and Quick Crispy French Fries Recipes, potato recipes, potato snacks, potato fry, 감자튀김 만들기, Potato Chips, Potato Snack., Potato Rings, Cheese Potatoes, Potato Pancakes, Potato Chip