We DEFEATED Doctor Doom! (Fortnite Live Event)

We DEFEATED Doctor Doom! (Fortnite Live Event)

WHY DO THINGS KEEP EXPLODING I got screwed over so hard by my terrible internet so unfortunately I had to stick to replay mode for the start of the event, luckily my friend MxMothkittyMoxxi was able to provide me with a replay file!! Doctor Doom has finally arrived at the island after Hope and Jones failed to blow up his tower, and he's FURIOUS, although I would be mad too to be honest, that looks like an expensive tower. But who cares how he feels, it's time for an hour long boss fight that started off EXTREMELY BROKEN for me! This event was pretty cool though for what it was worth haha, can't wait to see how this leads into Fortnitemares! #fortnite #event #liveevent #absolutedoom #marvel #chapter5 #chapter5season4 #doctordoom #marvel #doomscastle #explosion #bossfight