Believe in Yourself | by Joseph Murphy ( Summary Audiobook )
Believe in Yourself | by Joseph Murphy ( Summary Audiobook ) link to buy: https://amzn.to/3BL9UBx "You were born to win, to conquer, and to overcome! The Intelligence, Wisdom, and Power of God are within you waiting to be released, and enabling you to rise above all difficulties." Dr. Murphy gives you in this book a universal guide in the art of making your life much more effective and satisfying by developing Belief in Yourself. The magic formula is, "All things are possible to him that Believeth." You want freedom, health, and happiness. You can have them by changing your conscious belief to subconscious belief. THIS BOOK TEACHES YOU HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE THROUGH THE ART OF BELIEVING. EACH CHAPTER IS FULL OF POWERFUL, PRACTICAL PSYCHOLOGY SHOWING YOU WHY "MAN IS BELIEF EXPRESSED." #believe #believeinyourself #believer