Ps 146: Lord Come and Save Us -LaRosa, Soprano Sasha Massey

Ps 146: Lord Come and Save Us -LaRosa, Soprano Sasha Massey

9/15/24 Saint Anne Catholic Church Youngsville, Louisiana Soprano Sasha Massey Pianist Marcus McCullough Lord, Come and Save Us Text: Psalm 146: 6-7, 8-9, 9-10) Music: Francesca LaRosa ©️2022 Francesca LaRosa Purchased from We had some adorable little ones with long, curly mermaid braids observing and a surprise guest that made a vocal cameo. It's such a relief working with Marcus because he wants the best for God and our spiritual brethren. I don't have to worry about lack of practice, unnecessary cuts, and especially not playing things badly on purpose. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Some of the best music we do doesn't often happen in the church when we work separately. It is hard to find people who match our effort, skill and creativity. We work very hard and have decades of experience. I am constantly researching months and years ahead of time for feast days and recitals, studying and seeking opportunities that will connect us to believers that welcome, hire and appreciate us. Pray for leadership that respects talent and professionalism. Pray to remove destruction, chaos, glorifying mediocrity and favortism to the undeserving. Pray for us! Support the channel monetarily by donating to apps below! This is a direct way to help with the purchase of music I perform and to pay colleagues I hire. Thank you!! Venmo: @Sasha-Massey-1 PayPal: @sopranosashamassey CashApp: $SweetMus Thank you for watching! Please click the Like Button, Subscribe to be notified of uploads and Share this with people who love music. You can also see updates on booking Me, performances and uploads from my Facebook music page:   / sopranomassey   #singyousoon #sopranosashamassey  #cathedralcantorsashamassey #princessvoice #lovelyvoice #prayerandsong #classicallyblack #angelvoice #blackwomeninopera #professionalsinger #japan #paris #china #poland #southkorea #germany #phillipines #cuba #india #egypt #praisemusic #iceland #israel #professionalsinger #havevoicewilltravel #hireus #educatedmotivated #jesusprotectus #jesusavengeus #jesusprospertheworkofourhands #servingALLgodspeople #multitalented #hirethemostqualifiedpeople #pianistmarcusmccullough #psalm146 #lordcomeandsaveus #francescalarosacomposer