![[FREE] OneWay Lil Steve Type Beat - "CATCH HIM IN TRAFFIC" | Drill Beat 2024](https://krtube.net/image/b2s6tXlTYPk.webp)
[FREE] OneWay Lil Steve Type Beat - "CATCH HIM IN TRAFFIC" | Drill Beat 2024
THIS BEAT IS FREE FOR NON PROFIT USE ONLY GOTTA CREDIT ME IN THE TITLE ON YOUTUBE AND SOUNDCLOUD AND IN THE CREDITS ON SPOTIFY, APPLE MUSIC, ETC... Socials: IG: rgee.beatz SoundCloud: Luh Rgee Beatz BPM:158 Email: [email protected] ❗If you want to use this beat for profit, for example post it on platforms like spotify, youtube, youtube music, apple music etc. then you have to purchase a license. To purchase a license dm me on my ig❗ [IGNORE TAGS] [IGNORE TAGS] #onewaylilsteve #lilsteve #oneway #chuckyy #chuckyytypebeat #ot7quannytypebeat #ot7quanny #gherbo #gherbotypebeat #phillydrill #ot7quannysample #ot7quannyinstrumental #skrilla #skrillatypebeat #skrillasample #skrillainstrumental #lilbucks #lilbuckstypebeat #lilbuckssample #lilbucksinstrumental #hoodtali #hoodtalitypebeat #hoodtalisample #hoodtaliinstrumental #nrboor #nrboortypebeat #nrboorsample #nrboorinstrumental #leafward #leafwardtypebeat #leafwardsample #leafwardinstrumental #philly #phillydrillbeats #phillytrapbeats #phillytrap #chicagodrill #chicago #chuckywackem #phillybeats #phillyinstrumental #phillydrillinstrumental #phillytrapinstrumental #drillinstrumental #darkbeat #eiriebeat #samplebeat #pianobeat #instrumentalbeat #kingtuttypebeat #beats #beats2023 #beats2k23 #instrumental2023 #instrumental2k23 #sample #samples #typebeat2023 #typebeat2k23 #typebeat #youtubebeat #youtubeinstrumental #youtubechannel #youtube #youtuber #youtubers #subscribe #youtubevideos #sub #youtubevideo #like #instagram #subscriber #newvideo #subscribers #youtuber #gherbo #gherbotypebeat