Lets Play | The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 4 - Part 1

Lets Play | The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 4 - Part 1

Welcome to the adventures of me as i play a game that i will most likely forget to put the title of in this section cause i work way to many hours and don't have enough time to put in this description. so sorry for that but I'm sure it will be a fun adventure so enjoy the video i am posting. Like on Facebook:   / randellmcnasty   Follow on Twitter:   / jonbohn   List of Playlist on channel: GTA Online:    • GTA Online   Castle of Illusion:    • Castle of Illusion   Wolf Among Us:   • The Wolf Among Us   The Last of Us:   • The Last Of Us   Diablo 3:   • Diablo 3   Chrono Trigger:   • Chrono Trigger   Spelunky:   • Spelunky Daily Challenge   Fatal Frame:   • Fatal Frame   Hotline Miami:   • Hotline Miami   The Lone Survivor:   • Lone Survivor   Music by:    / teknoaxe     / teknoaxe   http://www.reverbnation.com/teknoaxe Intro Song is:    • Royalty Free Music #286 (Funky Lords ...   Outro Song is:    • Royalty Free Intro Music #33-A (Jammi...   or    • TeknoAXE's Royalty Free Music - #259 ...   Help me build a computer: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/34rvL (let me know if these pieces would make a decent middle range computer and if you see something that i might need thats better and not as much as listed please feel free to let me know) Subscribe:    / jonsragegaming   Tags: games gaming rage "lets play" ragegaming PS3 XBOX360 XBOXONE XBOX1 Indie Steam PC MAC APPLE randellmcnasty video games videos commentary hdpvr horror indie action adventure comedy drama random dumb stupid yelling swearing partnership ps4 playstation sony microsoft lets plays apple eye tv kinect premiere pro final cut pro garage band microphone canon 60d dslr tags are stupid i wish this was easier then it is help me make a little money cause then i can play better games haha i kid i need a job so i can buy a super computer and a nice new car steam is awesome pc builder