Top 15 Best Action Movies On Netflix, Amazon Prime, HBO MAX | New Hollywood Action Movies in 2022
Hello to Everyone. We've put up a selection of the top 15 action films for you to watch right now in this video. These are some of the best action films ever made, and you can watch them right now on Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO Max, and Paramount+. These movies keep you entertained with fantastic action, incredible storytelling, and stunning photography. Please also mention how many of the films on this list you have watched and which is your favorite in the comments. Audio Credits: Extreme Sport Trap Music | PISTA by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/ Music promoted by https://www.chosic.com/free-music/all/ Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... #bestactionmovie2022 #bestmovies2022 #hollywoodactors #hollywoodmovies