Nesting Vlog *32 weeks pregnant* 👼🏼🎀🤰🏽 building the bassinet, working on the nursery, date night

Nesting Vlog *32 weeks pregnant* 👼🏼🎀🤰🏽 building the bassinet, working on the nursery, date night

In this video, I share a Nesting Vlog 32 weeks pregnant 👼🏼🎀🤰🏽 building the bassinet, working on the nursery, date night Hello lovelies😘 _____________________________________________________ ✰MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO✰ Amazon Storefront Gray sweatshirt Puffer vests Earrings Maternity leggings Bible Highlighters Skims dupe dress _____________________________________________________ ✰WATCH MY RECENT VIDEOS✰ Pregnant Days in my Life 🌟🎄💅🏼 holiday nails, drs appt, new Christmas tradition, cleaning, mom makeup    • Pregnant Days in my Life 🌟🎄💅🏼 holiday...   Pregnant Vlogmas 👼🏼🎄❤️ nursery room updates, date hot chocolate, breakfast date, self care night    • Pregnant Vlogmas 👼🏼🎄❤️ nursery room u...   3rd Trimester Vlog 👼🏼💕 building nursery dresser, new cravings, Black Friday haul/amazon gift guide    • 3rd Trimester Vlog 👼🏼💕 building nurse...   Pregnant Days in my life ❄️🎄 decorating for Christmas, baby update, snow day, healthy date snacks    • Pregnant Days in my life ❄️🎄 decorati...   Preggo Week in my Life 🤰🏽🎄 seeing baby girls face, Christmas shopping, holiday books, nursery update    • Preggo Week in my Life 🤰🏽🎄 seeing bab...   _____________________________________________________ S U B S C R I B E:    / @shanellerenee   I N S T A G R A M: @shanellerenee4   / shanellerenee4   P I N T E R E S T: Shanelle Sharp   / _saved   C O L L A B S/business inquiries: [email protected] _____________________________________________________ ✰WHAT I USE TO FILM✰ camera: mic: tripod: _____________________________________________________ ✰subscribers- 9,997 d i s c o u n t c o d e s Pet grooming brush 10% discount code: 10ShanelleR Andar: 15% off code GOLDENS m u s i c Music by Ice Cream Cult - Snow Day! (Feat. Joey Boone) - Music by ninjoi. - Hark the Herald Angels Sing - Music by ninjoi. - Deck the Halls - FTC Disclosure: Some links above are affiliate links from which I get a small commission. This does not affect you as a customer at all and of course, all opinions are always my own! I appreciate your support if you do choose to use my links! 😘 t a g s nesting vlog,nest with me,pregnancy vlog,pregnant vlog,third trimester pregnancy,3rd trimester,3rd trimester vlog,pregnant day in the life,pregnant days in my life,days in my life vlog,days in my life black,preparing for a baby,preparing nursery for baby,date night,husband and wife relationship,husband and wife,32 weeks,32 weeks pregnant,32 weeks pregnant channel mum,32 weeks pregnant what to expect,pregnancy cravings,pregnancy vlog black woman,nesting,preparing for baby,baby preparation,baby prep,newborn baby items,newborn must haves,baby must haves,nest with me,nesting vlog 2023 #pregnancy #nesting #daysinmylife #pregnant