Laws of motion class 11 |  NEET and JEE mains |

Laws of motion class 11 | NEET and JEE mains |

In this video we have discussed about physics |tricks for Neet 2024 and neet strategy| kinematics short tricks| Motion in one dimension class 11| Atoms short tricks| Physics tricks for Neet| 50 FASTEST SHORT TRICKS 👇   • 90) 50 Physics short tricks |  NEET 2...   #neet2024 #fakruddinacadamyphysics #aiims My videos are included with 1) Physics strategy for jee mains 2024, 2) Relative motion tricks for neet, 3) Constrained motion neet, 4) Relative velocity, 5) Circular motion neet 2024, 6) Kinematics short tricks for neet, 7) Motion in one dimension tricks 8) Relative motion classplus 11 neet, 9) Relative motion tricks