Pink Floyd - Welcome To The Machine

Pink Floyd - Welcome To The Machine

Artista: Pink Floyd Álbum: Wish You Were Here Ano de Lançamento: 1975 Full Album:    • Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here   Músicas: 01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V) 02. Welcome To The Machine 03. Have A Cigar 04. Wish You Were Here 05. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts VI-IX) Músicos: ✓ Roger Waters — vocais, baixo, guitarra, VCS3, efeitos de fita ✓ Richard Wright — teclados, VCS3, clavinete, backing vocals ✓ Nick Mason — bateria, percussão, efeitos de fita ✓ David Gilmour — vocais, guitarra, guitarra havaiana, EMS Synthi AKS, teclados, efeitos de fita Músicos convidados: ✓ Dick Parry — saxofone em "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" ✓ Roy Harper — vocais em "Have a Cigar" ✓ Venetta Fields e Carlena Williams — backing vocals Letra: Welcome To The Machine Welcome my son Welcome to the machine Where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been You've been in the pipeline Filling in time Provided with toys and scouting for boys You brought a guitar to punish your ma And you didn't like school And you know you're nobody's fool So welcome to the machine Welcome my son Welcome to the machine What did you dream? It's alright we told you what to dream You dreamed of a big star He played a mean guitar He always ate in the Steak Bar He loved to drive in his Jaguar So welcome to the machine